Photography is my Passion …Why PHOTOGRAPHY is my PASSION?

Mishaal,s blogs
2 min readApr 20, 2021

I use my camera to capture and document moments in life, through visual story. Photography is my favourite way to express myself. My photos give people a chance to see the way I think. My photos help bring attention to the little things that often get overlooked. Almost like collaborating thoughts, photography shows people new angles and perspectives on life. I love presenting my work to people, because my photos are like a peek through my eyes. My photos show my unique thought process and my interpretation of the world around me. The exploration of these small moments in time help me to deeper indulge in the moment. My goal and ultimate feeling of success is drawing other people into that moment as well.

My subject of choice is people. This comes from my true love and appreciation for the human experience of emotion and life. I really enjoy getting candid photos that personify pure feeling, enhanced by use of light and composition. I want my subject to feel beautiful and comfortable during the process of being photographed, so they can show me who they really are. I want the subject to see the results and feel like they are being represented well. Only recently have I began to work more with landscapes. I love finding beauty in everyday spots that may be passed by without a second glance. Through landscapes I have learned that I would really love to travel and see more interesting parts of the world. Thanks to landscape photos, one photographer can take thousands of people to the featured spot and everyone can interpret it differently. Thanks to other’s photography, I have experienced a lot more than my own eyes have seen. I hope more exploration soon broadens my horizons to see different parts and moods of nature.

I am inspired by the little moments that we so often lose to memory. The best photos are the photos that resurface with it, a scent, a feeling, an essence. And for those not involved behind the scenes, a certain appreciation. I am inspired by emotion. I am inspired by personality. I’ve always been encouraged to think outside the box; I am inspired to find, with my lens, something different. Something beautiful. I tend to over think things, but with my camera, I don’t think. I just see. I imagine, and I experience. Photography made me an extrovert. I am not the best speech giver, and it’s often difficult for me to say exactly what I’m feeling. Good photography needs no words.

